
Where to Get Help

There are a number of local, state and federal agencies who are charged with assisting us with different agricultural and natural resource issues. Among these are:

  • The Natural Resources Conservation Service - an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture. There is a representative in almost every county.
  • Local Soil Conservation Districts - There will be one or more of these in every county.
  • Farm Service Agency - an agency of the USDA. They administer several different federal programs for farmers and ranchers. Their offices are regional so look in the phone book under U.S. Government.
  • Your State University Cooperative Extension - Extension Agents in each county help identify the needs of citizens and communities through input from local advisory committees. They communicate the appropriate topics of research to University specialists and then bring the results of that research back to the local communities. They are also in charge of the 4-H Program, a youth education component of Cooperative Extension and the USDA ("4-H" is actually copyrighted by the USDA).
  • Your State Department of Agriculture - This department is usually organized into five basic divisions: Plant Industry, Animal Industry, Brand Inspection, Markets, and Inspection and Consumer Services. These divisions provide valuable consumer protection services to all of us and provide regulatory, inspection and marketing assistance to the agricultural industry.
  • Resource Conservation and Development - This is a regional community resource. The purpose of this program is to help local leaders develop use and conservation strategies for local natural resources so as to improve the economy and well being of the folks within the local RC & D area. logo
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